Paving The Way For New Beginnings

Our CEO and founder was a product of hard work and determination, who taught that everything you want in life you must do more than just work for it, you must earn it. This valuable advice became the pillar that built Worthy Elite Connections, LLC . Before establishing the company and brand; our first focal point was to install who we were and what we wanted to stand for, as a business. There was so much more to us than just a catchy name and sales pitch. We wanted to start a dispatch service that met the supply and demands of the trucking industry, along with the unique needs of every Client. We asked ourselves what would separate us from other dispatch companies and how we could positively impact the overall value of our client’s business. We knew the answers laid in the foundation of the respect, knowledge, and admiration we have for the industry. Our goal was and has been, to continue contributing in the progression of trucking logistics. Progression comes with furthering the quality and maintaining the stability of this industry. We provide structure and knowledge that no one can match or duplicate. The secret is our diverse expertise in just about every aspect in trucking. The most useful knowledge comes from those who have worked and mastered the multiple roles that go hand in hand in logistics and dispatching. Collectively our team has experience in dispatch, logistic coordinating, truck driving, forklifting, sales, and shipping/receiving. By combining our strengths and cross training each other, we found a way to do more than a typical dispatcher. Our exclusive value comes from our ability to assist new and seasoned owners, not just maintain their businesses, but grow them. By recognizing and altering non profitable opportunities and establishing customized strategies to help you reach your financial goals. After brainstorming and collaborating for weeks; on August 10,2020 Worthy Elite Connections, LLC. was born! Not only was the business finally developed but now we ingrained a foundation that would also aid in developing opportunities for other entrepreneurs; by allowing cross training to onboarding dispatchers and educating them on all aspects of becoming a successful business owner. Our motto was “to treat every business like it was your own.” Being respectful and knowledgeable of another’s profession is key to the connection needed in all business relationships. With this mentality and work ethic Worthy Elite Connections, LLC. resumes to grow and flourish, maintaining the promise to always provide quality while lightening your load!

We also offer the following:


Mentorship is available to those who need help navigating this industry and market. We know there are so many contributing factors to running a successful business. All the way from making sure you have the best equipment, knowledge of rules and regulations, having a reliable driver, knowing your numbers, and making sure all decisions are financially beneficial to you and your company.

Driver Onboarding

We know that having a reliable and credible driver is vital to the livelihood of your business. That is why we assist in seeking, screening, and the hiring of your drivers. We want to make sure you know who you are hiring and entrusting with your property; by providing thorough background checks and employment verification. Outside of checking a driver’s credibility; we offer customized agreements and paperwork that will protect you, your equipment, and reputation. Our paperwork outlines a professional and transparent standard that every owner should enforce. Our carrier onboarding checklist also gives tips on how to cross train your driver on everything from pretrips, healthy maintenance on the truck, securing loads, operating palletjack/liftgate, and staying compliant with the rules and regulations of DOT.

Money For Referrals

We are always excited to onboard new Clients and appreciate those who refer others to our services! As a token of our appreciation, we have started a $300 referral program. Simply have the interested party contact us and make sure they reference you as the source. Once they have completed their onboarding and run two consistent weeks, a credit of $150 will be granted. Once a full month is done, the additional $150 will be provided to the source.